Generic Arcade

Thumbnail of the map 'Generic Arcade'

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Author Gioum
Tags action arcade author:gioum fun rocket rockets unrated
Created 2011-05-15
Last Modified 2011-05-15
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Hello, I will be honest. I haven't never understood how to actually erm, paste replays on a map, if you catch my drift. I tought someone could tell me here. And aswell, N has been a very generic game since , So I tought that with this level give it a more Arcade-ish style of gameplay

Gold = 5 points
Walljump = 5 points
Rocket Respawns = 25 points
Finishing = 100 points
Death = -50 points
get 1 Gold Sector = 50 points

Add up all of them and compete her who got da best moves.

e.g.: (using algebra) 13G + 3W + 4R - D + GS2 = 65+15+100-50+100 = 230 Points

So with this you can have fun playing N and be able to practice for your math test at the same time, ISN'T THIS REVOLUTIONARY GAMEPLAY? :D

I just learned to BBC :3

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