Doors are so pushy 4 expanded

Thumbnail of the map 'Doors are so pushy 4 expanded'

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Tags author:kettering dda rated
Created 2005-12-12
by 19 people.
Map Data

Description Re-submitted
This deserves a public rating i believe.
Also, im going to stay on numa (not that any of you care) because I can\'t play WoW at school.
This is my expanded Doors are so Pushy 4.
Its also a DDA right :D (in a short sort of way)
Please rate and comment on why you rated it that.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Doors are so pushy EDITED' Thumbnail of the map 'Doors are so pushy' Thumbnail of the map 'Race still unnamed' Thumbnail of the map 'Doors are so pushy 2' Thumbnail of the map 'Death Square' Thumbnail of the map 'Musically Challenged'
Doors are so pushy EDITED Doors are so pushy Race still unnamed Doors are so pushy 2 Death Square Musically Challenged


Pages: (0)

Very nice

Liked the way it didn't actually use
that much stuff but it was still complicated.4.5\5


well im impressed, i liked it, 4.5

very good

Liked it a lot. Nice to see all the close calls.


Not bad.


wow. very cool map and very close calls. hope u make good maps while u stay on numa