
Thumbnail of the map 'Asia'

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Author koipen
Tags asia author:koipen continent nart rated tileset
Created 2011-03-27
Last Modified 2011-03-27
by 18 people.
Map Data

Description By far the hardest one. The whole of the east coast was quite difficult, especially the Japan/Korea area. Sakhalin is twisted and Siamese peninsula is bit weird.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'BeeBeam' Thumbnail of the map 'rupee gun' Thumbnail of the map 'Africa and southwest Eurasia' Thumbnail of the map 'South America' Thumbnail of the map 'North America' Thumbnail of the map 'Europe'
BeeBeam rupee gun Africa and southwest Eurasia South America North America Europe


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The worst tilemap about continents you did. You didn't spend much time on this and it's really bad mapped (Try to compare this with your "Europe", my favourite one you did


... $3
in New Zealand. (circa Chch)

Hmm. Pacific is so huge that no islands would be on scale, the same problem I have with Oceania.
Not exactly a continent, but still some islands?

Australia (including New Zealand!) will be done. Antarctica too - they're both easy after Europe and Asia.

Don't forget Australia!
And you better man up and make Antarctica.

Good 4/5

I think that's very good that you mastered these tiles, and it gives you a smooth 4

next one is

antarctica xD

Youve got a lot of pacience making all of these, well done.

you made already 4 maps today oO
nice asia

And Sulawesi...