Egg Sac

Thumbnail of the map 'Egg Sac'

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Author darkcrusader
Tags action author:darkcrusader darkcrusader gauss playable rockets unrated
Created 2011-03-15
Last Modified 2011-03-18
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Tried something new with tiles

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Koopa 'n' Chute' Thumbnail of the map 'Ninja Dojo' Thumbnail of the map 'Kanpachi' Thumbnail of the map 'WOO-HOO!' Thumbnail of the map 'Beanstalk' Thumbnail of the map 'Snow in Florida'
Koopa 'n' Chute Ninja Dojo Kanpachi WOO-HOO! Beanstalk Snow in Florida


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lacks polish

the theme is there, but the corners caused by that quarter-circle-inverse tile don't look very good IMHO. Also, those doors! So many of your maps would look that much better if the doors are positioned more thoughtfully.
Most of my maps are pretty awful, and the rest are pretty basic. If you didn't noticed I haven't mapped in close to two years.

I mean go ahead if you actually enjoy them, but don't feel obligated. I'm only playing yours because I enjoy them after all.

I have no idea how my maps got so many rates tbh >.>


Much better. Feels a lot like some of the older NUMA maps, at least tilewise. Rockets were awesome (and usually I hate them) but the second and third double gauss rooms seemed a bit overwhelming. 3.5^
Demo Data


he dies about halfway in.

Demo Data

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