Suture up your Future

Thumbnail of the map 'Suture up your Future'

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Author Mr_Mongoose
Tags action author:mr_mongoose future qotsa suture unrated
Created 2011-03-09
Last Modified 2011-03-09
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description I make about 20 maps for every 1 I submit

Other maps by this author

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ab-a Hextech Circuitry timekeeper Vextech Chipsets spinetune incompletence


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that's like

applying for some university

a little faster, the maps kinda weird, i didnt enjoy it very much :/
Demo Data

so many routes. one of those maps where you feel like you can definitely agd it, and then you keep adding innovs and making your demo more and more difficult, and then you never get an agd. played it at least fifty times.

Bit faster.

Demo Data


can't find anything wrong that really sticks out. 4. Speedrun.
Demo Data
And where are all these maps?
Not be wasted in the trash?
I hope not.

heres a death demo

you get the idea though
Demo Data