
Thumbnail of the map 'Clouds'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Awesome754
Tags 2th author:awesome754 awesome doom gauss rated
Created 2011-03-06
Last Modified 2011-03-06
by 11 people.
Map Data

Description DOOM IS YOU DOOM

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Crazy Chaos'
Crazy Chaos


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In recent months we have seen in NUMA the appearance of several new (good) mapmakers. I ask you, do not forget to make maps. Do not stop. There is an impressive potential in you. Many have four or five maps and never see again. I think NUMA need a new fresh air, cool, renovated with new mappers and quality like you. Do not leave. And make many maps.
On the other hand, I read in your profile: 'I try to revolute N-Game'
I hope this happens. I want this to happen. have to do this. I challenge you.
Seriously, Keep it up and never think you're good. think you have to be better. That every time you have to give your best!!!
thanks, friend,
Or a very, very similar map. Yeah, I clearly see the Lucidium influence. Really good map, keep it up!


AGD. 4
Demo Data

nice stuff, keep it up
Demo Data

wow 2nd map?


I get a rated map

wow, this is a very solid and very clean map. Very thoughful as well.
Great job! 5aved!

good gold partioning

no but inspired by him


very good for a second