3-4 Imaginary

Thumbnail of the map '3-4 Imaginary'

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Author koipen
Tags 3-4 action author:koipen imaginary unrated
Created 2011-02-23
Last Modified 2011-02-23
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description A new map. I'm satisfied with this, unlike my most recent two. It is very easy to make a map worthy of a low 4, but making a map that I'm satisfied with has been very hard for me recently.

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Other maps by this author

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2-3 Space Dye Palace 2-4 Unpyramidic 3-0 Tunnel Na 3-1 A mind beside itself 3-2 Wasle Tand


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sloppy demo, the rockets can get annoying sometimes with the tiles, but not that bad, nice map :]
Demo Data

Great map
The future episodes