Darth Vader

Thumbnail of the map 'Darth Vader'

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Author Reffin
Tags author:reffin darth lightsaber movie rated vader
Created 2011-02-10
Last Modified 2011-02-10
by 11 people.
Map Data

Description This level resembles the head of Darth Vader of Star Wars.


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I like the tiles, and much of the game play...

Flaws: unreachable gold, hidden traps, and a little spammy on the mines.

Demo Data

ya I made it myself but it took me like a hour to make


awesome tiles
when you tell me you made them on your own im gonna 5ave this did you?

Demo Data
Also, don't add unreachable gold.

comp. Don't hide things. Don't spam things. Don't put objects in inconvenient cracks (as in right parts leftmost gold in the ceiling). Spread gold so it is pleasant to collect.
Demo Data
Some tips. Don't hide anything underother things, eg. traps/doors under gold/bounceblocks. Also you can remove every2nd mine in a line like that because you can't make it through them without dying. Hope this helps.

Welcome to NUMA

Excellent tiles. Work on the gameplay.

Welcome to NUMA!

Please enjoy your stay! For a first map, this is ok. The tiles are amazing, but the gameplay was lacking. Also, you don't need to hide switches behind objects. I'll give it a 4/5 because its your first map.
Demo Data