
Thumbnail of the map 'Sections'

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Author benjamjamin
Tags action author:benjamjamin fun playable unrated
Created 2011-01-25
Last Modified 2011-01-25
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Four sections to this fun level. This is my first map.


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and yeah

not sayin that you'r a bad maper or anything I just miss these cainds of maps (not manny arround these days)
I like totaly agree with lsudny (eaven if I didn't read his comment.. don't tell that to annione)
oh yeah 4/5 damn


nice for the first
some good parts in the map

Welcome to NUMA!

Pretty fun first map, it's good for a first. Here are some tips for new mapmakers, hope they'll be useful:

- don't spam objects; also don't clutter them;
- one enemy can do the job of two (or more :P);
- gold usually is placed for an extra challenge; in races it can help to find the flow; spread your gold out to make an additional challenge;
- work on the tileset, it's good when tiles are representing something; lines-only tilesets are bad; you can use patterns to make the tiles less random;
- use repeating (with slight changes) object patterns;
- you can make a mission for player;
- room-by-room maps are usually bad (not always);
- it's good when map has flow (but not always);
- it's good when map isn't repetitive;
- there is no overall rule about what you should make first (tileset or objects) - the best way IMO is to make some tiles, then add some objects, then add some more tiles, etc.;
- look at other's maps, get inspired, be original and innovative!

(copied from my profile :P)

Also take a look at Map Theory (scroll down) [] and look at other people's maps to see how they're constructed, and get inspired!

Well, um... For a first, I give a 4. Have fun here! :)