Acid Rain

Thumbnail of the map 'Acid Rain'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author koipen
Tags acid author:koipen projectrace3 race rain unrated
Created 2011-01-20
Last Modified 2011-01-20
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description A new race by me! This is one of the best I've done in a long time. I really like the looks of this race. Of course, it is very much like the last race Destiny made (in terms of aesthetics).

For pr: the floating shapes are supposed to be poisonous fumes that shoot their venomy blasts at you.

AGD included!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Three minute warning: Part 2' Thumbnail of the map 'Glass Prison' Thumbnail of the map 'BROCCOLI' Thumbnail of the map 'Kindred spirits' Thumbnail of the map '914' Thumbnail of the map '4'
Three minute warning: Part 2 Glass Prison BROCCOLI Kindred spirits 914 4


Pages: (0)

Good stuff.

Good stuff.

very nice map

flow has some awkward places, but aesthetics is nearly genius

This is good

But I did encounter a few problems with it, such as not landing on the one-ways in the center loop. I'd keep falling down and taking a shortcut because I flew over the one-way before the loop.

Wow that sounds confusing.

Anyways, good job and congratulations of using my name properly :D
Demo Data

AGD for the even more recent version.
Demo Data

AGD for the fixed version.
Demo Data

More flowy one (no pun intended)
Demo Data

Clunky, unflumy agd.
Demo Data