
Thumbnail of the map 'jacin'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author fingersonthefrets
Tags - author:fingersonthefrets rated
Created 2011-01-18
Last Modified 2011-01-18
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description haha, kinda stupid map, it's not too bad though

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Srhreat' Thumbnail of the map 'scratching the surface' Thumbnail of the map 'AL_PD' Thumbnail of the map 'Life's Pride-and-Joy (pre-Buddy genocide massacre)' Thumbnail of the map 'CORNERKING' Thumbnail of the map 'incomplete/tileset'
Srhreat scratching the surface AL_PD Life's Pride-and-Joy (pre-Buddy genocide massacre) CORNERKING incomplete/tileset


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one rate left...

I like this kind of no tiles played in bottom.
Stylish, really stylish!
made but I can't find it. It's a map with drones an a horizontal layout that is impossible to complete. I remember the description was something like "this map is my mood right now". Care to help me out and get your 12th feature?


we should collab the next time you're in IRC. Or whenever. How about now?

I enjoyed it too

finding the specific way to get each lot of gold. Nah, it was good.
Demo Data

here's an agd

Demo Data

Why call it stupid?

I thought it was fun 4/5 and faved.