Added Risk

Thumbnail of the map 'Added Risk'

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Author jordanzilla
Tags action author:jordanzilla playable rated
Created 2005-12-08
Last Modified 2005-12-08
by 9 people.
Map Data

Description This level is fun and not frustrating like that last one in epsiode 49. There are three main sections -

The top - once you figure out the path of the zap drones, it's really easy.

Middle - Gold with mines. If you want to know, there are traps.

Bottom - The caged homing drones are there for a reason: (and it's not just because the gold hard to get)once you unlock the door terminal you also release the drones, and you need those bounce blocks to get you back up...

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'The Cave' Thumbnail of the map 'Sky High' Thumbnail of the map 'Bric-a-brac' Thumbnail of the map 'Pointless Quest' Thumbnail of the map 'Blob' Thumbnail of the map 'Compression'
The Cave Sky High Bric-a-brac Pointless Quest Blob Compression


Pages: (0)

very fine map

Challenging, quite original, and fun. I like those two upper sections with the zap drones. Well done, 4.5/5


:D but um... you didn't actually vote


4 for map + .5 for your name (im Jordan too)


Two more people please rate I really want a rating. THe only maps of mine that have been rated are DDA's

As I said before

great map and I ENJOYED the fact tht this map was kind of cheatable. Krusch was right and you can also get the exit switch AFTER you get the gold but meh.. Whatever, great map.


RATE mine


Would some-one please bloody comment on one of my maps.... for the love of god, the last 10 maps i have put in have had no votes and no comments. So I dont know how to improve in my map making skills. so would some-one bloody comment.


Oh that, I kinda made it like that. :)

Great map

I think ben meant that you could get the exit switch without setting the drones free.
Yeah, you are getting really good.


for the comments. Is the bottom bit really cheatable? is it a glitch?

You Have a flair

for creative yet generic maps. I really enjoyed this and although the bottom bit was cheatable, I like it that way 4.5 Cool Level Man!


Completion demo - It's a long demo because I stuffed up a bit
Demo Data