Shrine X

Thumbnail of the map 'Shrine X'

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Author h311_y35
Tags author:h311_y35 playable puzzle rated
Created 2005-12-06
by 8 people.
Map Data

Description Im resubmitting this because i think its a good map and the last time i didnt get enough comments... plz rate :)

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'man with hat'
man with hat


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doghouse u rated it a 0 u noob


whos formica??? all i know is that formica is a kinda plasticy material used for making cuboards and chars. (sry 4 da spilling errorss :)) andyway god luckl.5/5


Nice Map, I LOVE to see some originality around here, and this is just awesome. 4.5/5, great, great stuff.


The difficulty should ONLY be reflected in your score if it's ridiculous, and resubmitting a map is OK, as long as it's not done over and over again...
AND you have a reputation for just hanging around NUMA specifically to annoy people. You go to all of Formica's maps and rate them down, and bag everyone who opposes you. And your grammar is beggining to piss me off.


I thought it was fun. Not too hard, flowed nicely, and it had nice aesthetics. 4/5


last time i rated this 3/5 because it was too hard and now you resubmit it! dissapointing. i give 2/5 dis time
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