Comments on "FUCK N GAME FORUM"

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i wasnt thinking about profanity. 0 for profanity, and if u give me a zero, theyll delete the vote anywhoo

Dear nemetacyst,

Frequency, silly. Look at the frequency of the seven dirty words.

Pause Menu:

Press X to exchange diaper for a piece of paper that says "Good Riddance." Press O to exchange diaper for 0-ninja map. Oh, I'm sorry, you already have that!

excuse me?

Your now dissing me, b/c im the only one saying what we're all thinking???
b/c im the only one who will actually SAY it???

whos mature now...moron... you shouldnt talk, it makes you sound stupid

Dear nemetacyst,

You're really mature, too.


you wonder why they banned you?

arnt you just the mature one...

heres an idea, ill put this very bluntly since i know this map will be gone very very soon

go fuck yourself you fucking little 5 year old
and stop trying to screw up other peoples fun because your too much of a stuck up bitch to mind your own god damn business

fucking punk...

and by the way, this gets rated a zero, cuz it sucks that bad


You poo-pood yourself. Change diaper?