Comments on "The Randomizer"

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oh my god...

people i had no idea you would like this! honestly wells id have to say that my choice of enemies (rockets guass turrets and lasers) promotes randomizations - the enemies are un predictable. I just watched around 200 times and edited my DDA around the flaws in the enemies, thus making them perfections!
but seriously people WOW i went to dinner and i come back and a 5/5 is waiting! this is insane!


That is awesome. You do know that you have the highest rated map on NUMA right now? You are a DDA god.


Obvious, wells. Why DDAs work sometimes, and why they sometimes don't.
Alters the path slightly every time.


that is random. how did you do that?


How did you make it random each time ? Do you even know, or did it just happen ?
Obviously you know what I rated this, as it is the same aseveryone else.