Our modern-day Introvert

Thumbnail of the map 'Our modern-day Introvert'

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Author Jiggerjaw
Tags author:jiggerjaw rated test
Created 2005-12-03
Last Modified 2006-01-29
by 15 people.
Map Data

Description Good luck. Here's a really really tough KRA map, it took me a long time to finish, if you remember the original Incomplete version. You have to keep the rocket alive through the whole map, and it's very hard.
Rate, comment, post demos, and enjoy!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Rise to the occasion 2' Thumbnail of the map 'Rise to the occasion 3' Thumbnail of the map 'Crumble' Thumbnail of the map 'My little Tribute to Lucidium' Thumbnail of the map 'Aiming' Thumbnail of the map 'Glitchtastic 4 - The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse'
Rise to the occasion 2 Rise to the occasion 3 Crumble My little Tribute to Lucidium Aiming Glitchtastic 4 - The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse


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all of my maps are hard, bar like 2...I am a real bastard lol!


Very hard...This is like the complete oposite of my kras...
I can't beat it... I get close but die...


I almost made it!
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