
Thumbnail of the map 'Yeak!'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author blackson
Tags author:blackson headache numacon rated survival
Created 2010-08-03
Last Modified 2010-08-09
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description Poieya qlei eydae uey.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'LKeyanda' Thumbnail of the map 'Keae, ekuah.' Thumbnail of the map 'Ieyeah #2' Thumbnail of the map 'Oepsu' Thumbnail of the map 'Pwieuay!' Thumbnail of the map 'Qyeysja,'
LKeyanda Keae, ekuah. Ieyeah #2 Oepsu Pwieuay! Qyeysja,


Pages: (0)

Great work. Very fun!
a playable level. I am not a big fan of survival levels. I think with a little work this could be a fantastic real level. I love the start with the mine and gold. The idea has been done, but I like how you have to drop...

make the gold into door triggers and create an exit to the left. This would be a very challenging playable level.

Edited again.

Looks done.
So... yeah.
And i realized it's shit.
Not n on this pc, fav'd for later.
i cant get anywhere without dieing in 3 seconds.


thanks for the comment.

Also, almost AGD.
Demo Data

the beginning is cheatable, and its kinda easy to do.

see demo.
Demo Data