13 - 2:Jupiter Room

Thumbnail of the map '13 - 2:Jupiter Room'

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Author BKPB58
Tags author:bkpb58 beatable fun mine-jumper playable unrated
Created 2010-07-31
Last Modified 2010-07-31
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description First Mine-Jumper

If anyone gets the name of the band who made the song Jupiter Room,I will ded that user


Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map '12 - 1:Why Is It So LOUD!!?!' Thumbnail of the map '12 - 2:Droneyliminal' Thumbnail of the map '12 - 3:Miniliminal' Thumbnail of the map '12 - 4:Robber On The Loose!' Thumbnail of the map '13 - 0:Define Geomotry' Thumbnail of the map '13 - 1:Under Gridlock'
12 - 1:Why Is It So LOUD!!?! 12 - 2:Droneyliminal 12 - 3:Miniliminal 12 - 4:Robber On The Loose! 13 - 0:Define Geomotry 13 - 1:Under Gridlock


Pages: (0)

Of course

I'm talking about the bottom gold. A 1-frame jump in the middle of the cluster is possible.

Getting an AGD

Is basically impossible, unless you use FBFing. NR unless fixed or I'm proven wrong (a agd that's not FBF'd)
