
Thumbnail of the map 'Goblet'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author weisslenny0
Tags action author:weisslenny0 lenny playable unrated
Created 2010-07-18
Last Modified 2010-07-18
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Given that I've been playing maps for the first time in years, I thought I'd actually make one.
Ah, nostalgia.

... oh. And whomever can get the fastest AGD within the next 24 hours will receive a map made by me, dedicated to them. Not the grandest of trophies, but none the less it's shiny.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Zick' Thumbnail of the map 'Squaricle' Thumbnail of the map 'Now you're just messin' with me' Thumbnail of the map 'When The Lightning Strikes' Thumbnail of the map 'Reflective Symmetry' Thumbnail of the map 'Gradient Overlay'
Zick Squaricle Now you're just messin' with me When The Lightning Strikes Reflective Symmetry Gradient Overlay


Pages: (0)

Faster AGD

Demo Data

sub 1000


I love the starting. Great timing!
Demo Data
Welcome back also, seeing that you are returning from a break from Numa... although one 4x longer than mine.

Also, congratulations on a successful two-year break from mapping.


Swipenet's here.

All hope is lost.

Even faster

Demo Data

1111 AGD

Demo Data

Faster AGD

Demo Data


Demo Data


That's actually a very good demo. Nice.

And yes, I did make a map. Fun stuff. :D
Glad to see all the positive comments.


Demo Data

Demo Data

Demo Data

Not very fast,

but an AGD nonetheless.

Welcome back.
Demo Data