Now that, my friends, is a boss map.

Thumbnail of the map 'Now that, my friends, is a boss map.'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author NachoCheese
Tags author:nachocheese bossbattle rated
Created 2010-07-18
Last Modified 2010-07-18
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description Probably been done before. Hi-Five if anyone has.

This is how a boss battle should be run. Might turn into a series. Maybe.

Have fun everyone. :)

Edit: Made FireTamer's edit, kinda. Plays way better. Cheers guys! :D (esp. Invalid for that very nice compliment.)

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'The Ultimate Drone Trapping Experience.' Thumbnail of the map 'Symphony of Rapture.' Thumbnail of the map 'One Time Only' Thumbnail of the map 'The Wave.' Thumbnail of the map 'Burning Bridges.' Thumbnail of the map 'Undergrowth.'
The Ultimate Drone Trapping Experience. Symphony of Rapture. One Time Only The Wave. Burning Bridges. Undergrowth.


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Is way too hard. I can't even make the first jump! I think that you need to make those openings between the mines bigger by using, for example, 2 mines there instead of 3. I didn't really get to playtest the rest...
That being said, you don't have to get both switches.

Double Door Glitches ruin maps :(
does it only work when you only unlock one gate though? because i would unlock both and then i couldn't get up into the top...


Lies, all lies! :D
Demo Data
just, just so you know... since you made the edit...
man, and I always read the descriptions, too, just didn't process it this time... but yeah, there's your predecessor, or at least one of them, idk :P
it is a cool concept, not sure on the execution, but it has also been done before... in fact, it's one of my favorite maps. []
Oh, and wbc/koe's [] boss maps are worth checking out ;) (my personal favorite) []
*Puts on glasses*
Golden Idles
I don't know why but I really want to say this.


The drone stickman, the box drone thing that is in the next level which is a minejumper that I'm making now( Oops I said waaaaaaaaaay too much :D), or me?

If it is me, I'll happily accept it as a nickname :D

No you fail

He's obviously Captain Drone.
*Puts on glasses*
The blue man group (of drones)

Oh, you updated it

Ah well, there goes my demo


Agree w/ firetamer
Demo Data
Is an amazing concept creator


that jump is hard
Demo Data
I recommend rockets above.

Just curious...

Should I make it uncheatable? Or just leave KRA as an option? Your call...



Yeah! sub-100!

Demo Data

this shouldn't be possible right?
Demo Data


without holding rocket alive :P
Demo Data

KRA was hard

so I beat it by other means.
Demo Data
But I didn't like having to keep the rocket alive.