Hopping Mines

Thumbnail of the map 'Hopping Mines'

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Author jumjum
Tags author:jumjum mine minejump minejumper minejumps mines unrated
Created 2010-06-20
Last Modified 2010-06-20
Map Data

Description My first minejumper.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'My first DDA' Thumbnail of the map 'Blades and Stars' Thumbnail of the map 'Swing It 0-1' Thumbnail of the map 'Loop It 0-2' Thumbnail of the map 'Off the Cliff' Thumbnail of the map 'The Wonders of N'
My first DDA Blades and Stars Swing It 0-1 Loop It 0-2 Off the Cliff The Wonders of N


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please relist this dude, it's well cool. 4.5up
Demo Data