Flight Delayed

Thumbnail of the map 'Flight Delayed'

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Author sawlance
Tags airport author:sawlance cheatable glitch unrated
Created 2010-06-16
Last Modified 2010-06-16
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Satan's fall from grace was actually pretty graceful. It might have helped that he doubled as a ninja. He lands in what seems like a modern day airport, albeit minimum security. The great one has taken the time to add a just a bit more danger. Not that Satan isn't up to it. He will stop at nothing to find a way back.

Because of minimum security, this map is cheatable. Just remember, that gold clump is in the glass case for a reason. It might have an alarm.

Possible updates.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Death at the council' Thumbnail of the map 'Life is all just gray.' Thumbnail of the map 'Snowball fight: you have no life edition' Thumbnail of the map 'A conspirator' Thumbnail of the map 'The sacrificial chamber' Thumbnail of the map 'Guts'
Death at the council Life is all just gray. Snowball fight: you have no life edition A conspirator The sacrificial chamber Guts


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I found it my self. Unfortunatly, it only works on thwumps that are facing up.
Place a five tile with the w key. Then, place a thwump in the space halfway between the 5 tile and the space under it.

I've never seen door work like that on a 5 tile. Faved.
Demo Data


Darth Vader, that is.


Darth Vader.
evil dude.