Chamber of Star

Thumbnail of the map 'Chamber of Star'

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Author Grey_Chaos
Tags action author:grey_chaos playable unrated
Created 2005-11-29
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description You need to TAKE ALL GOLD!

Hope you`ll like it :))

Other maps by this author

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Have some fun! Black Twins Mechos Shrine of War - Inner palace The F word Mechanical Priest


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A bit faster all-gold demo. And if you're lucky, you'll see the ninja get sparks and blood spray off of him for a long time at the end.
Demo Data

not bad

All gold, going the "wrong way". Not a bad level, and ninja skills, when i played your demo, you missed a piece. I'll do a faster demo soon.
Demo Data


5/5 4 sure, heres the all gold demo...

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