Maggie Is Everything

Thumbnail of the map 'Maggie Is Everything'

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Author ZivilynBane
Tags author:zivilynbane disc1 ffcc tonberrychefs track17 unrated
Created 2010-05-27
Last Modified 2010-05-27
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Jack Moschet was starving, so he ordered his Tonberry Chefs to make dinner right away. But when Maggie awoke from her nap, she was furious to find the table bare. "How dare you forget my dinner?" she bellowed at her husband. Jack knew the trouble he was in, so he demanded the chefs make great haste. But as always, they took their own good time.

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Grandiose. I love the tile/gold interaction.


Darn that last piece >.<
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