
Thumbnail of the map 'dämn'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author script
Tags action author:script damn rated
Created 2010-05-24
Last Modified 2013-01-06
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description A diamond gorge

edit: sheeeeeeesh, yeah, fbf helped playtest >.<

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'KryptoNite' Thumbnail of the map 'Flower Eruption' Thumbnail of the map 'Come One, Come All' Thumbnail of the map 'Optimist's Crime' Thumbnail of the map 'jump start landscape' Thumbnail of the map 'Hit and Run'
KryptoNite Flower Eruption Come One, Come All Optimist's Crime jump start landscape Hit and Run


Pages: (0)

too hard at some spots, but nice aesthetics and gameplay ideas. especially liked the top-right corner with the drones.


this is cool.

loks like

rocket-thumped made it, a bit.


yeah didnt notice arctic pony beat me too it :( Nice :D


Now shoot me.. I want the medal of honor
Demo Data


from #n:
<@scrivener> anyone who finds the map cheatable will be shot.
<@scrivener> and then thanked, and congratulated.
<@scrivener> and given a medal of honor for bravery.

meh speedrun.

really sloppy demo, just shows the cheatableness of the map
Demo Data

I commented on this map.