Mendelbrot's Eruption

Thumbnail of the map 'Mendelbrot's Eruption'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author ijehrhart
Tags author:ijehrhart easy playable tileset unrated
Created 2010-05-13
Last Modified 2010-05-13
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description I was bored, so use my tileset lol Just give me the link... This tileset is meant to be used in conjunction with the bounce blocks and one-ways. The exit and drop to the button are optional.

Other maps by this author

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Enthrone Darkness Triumphant Terminal Velocity Embedded Sudden Stop Electric Discharge Material


Pages: (0)

Pretty cool tiles.

Pretty bad game


Fastesssst speedrun by far (well, its highscore, but its the same)
Frames: 452!
Demo Data

Fastest speedrun
Frames 532
Demo Data

Those oneways suck.

It looks good, but as tile-art. It doesn't seem to be good for a map. NR.


Demo Data

I do not like this

because it has bad tiles, and no challenge...
I like maps where you have to move before your bum gets killed. solid 2.


Just to prove it could be done, the creator did it
Demo Data


Demo please?