Viral Infection

Thumbnail of the map 'Viral Infection'

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Author jasdanu
Tags 8mm author:jasdanu unrated
Created 2010-05-12
Last Modified 2010-05-12
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description 8mm.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Isn't One Account Enough???' Thumbnail of the map 'Jade Necklace' Thumbnail of the map 'Mourning Trees' Thumbnail of the map 'the_me' Thumbnail of the map 'Kelp' Thumbnail of the map 'Scaled Jump'
Isn't One Account Enough??? Jade Necklace Mourning Trees the_me Kelp Scaled Jump


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I like this.

A lot.
Sorry for canceling our collab :\


lets say i suck at races

& tag as race


its actually easy. i hve gotten to end but made a stupid mistake of not jumping.


and not fun enough to try finishing it, i just dont like race maps.

tag it as race