House of the Jackal

Thumbnail of the map 'House of the Jackal'

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Author jed37
Tags action author:jed37 gauss mines playable rockets unrated
Created 2010-05-06
Last Modified 2010-05-07
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description ...You wake up in an inhospitable pit. Escape.

Other maps by this author

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For Lack of a Better Name Inverse Circuit You Are Here


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not /that/ bad. a bit unorthodox but fun nonetheless.
Demo Data

Here's a faster AGD

Good edits. I look forward to your next map.
Demo Data

Hmm, yeah...

I noticed the problem with the rockets and why they weren't agressive enough, and fixed it. And I removed the useless laser drones. ...Tadah!

AGD (All Gold Demo)

I agree. Very good, very fun, and your gauss placement was top notch. Those sets of double rockets and lasers didn't do much, so I would suggest removing them. Otherwise, solid 3.5v. Keep mapping!
Demo Data
Granted almost all except the bottom two rockets didn't do anything... but I have to say that I really enjoyed this. The tiles were simple, but neat, and the mines were very well placed. 3.5/5^