
Thumbnail of the map 'Temples'

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Author WordBlamCreator
Tags action author:wordblamcreator medium unrated wbc
Created 2010-05-04
Last Modified 2010-05-04
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description The map kinda developed as I slowly put together the tiles... anyway, please comment. thanks.

Other maps by this author

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The King is Back Castlevania 4 Level 8: A Witch's Bidding Like a Boss French Jigging. A Gifted Marmot Guardian 23


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I agree

The level is really good, but I would have prefered a gauss instead of a rocket in the right side by a lot.
to be too hard, mainly the trapdoors behind the oneways. I initially didn't like the gold at the bottom of that area, but I found an easy way to get it, so it became alright.