The Cavernous Cavern

Thumbnail of the map 'The Cavernous Cavern'

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Author formica
Tags action author:formica collect medium playable unrated
Created 2010-04-25
Last Modified 2010-04-25
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Collection level with some nice flowy parts, claustrophobic parts, and a lot of tricky option gold.

EDIT: Changed some of the more irritating mines for the last part of the level.

Other maps by this author

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Know your enemies Gishish chasm über unter vor und hinter, zwischen zwischen auf und in The inferior miner The ghost inside our house


Pages: (0)


no demo though because i completely overestimated how long a laser fired and ran into it for no good reason right at the end

Completion demo

of completion.
Demo Data

