Flood @ Hawai

Thumbnail of the map 'Flood @ Hawai'

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Author woutery
Tags author:woutery flood hawai none unrated volcano water
Created 2010-04-16
Last Modified 2010-04-16
Rating 5 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Oh noes! Theres a big wave coming at Hawai when you are there!
Get out of the caves and climb up the volcano to call for help, but do it before the wae floods everything!

I never been to Hawai actually, but i think i know how it looks like. So i think it looks a little like this (not that i know it).

Other maps by this author

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Easiest Level Ever Battle of the Giants Twhump Launch Flood @ Hawai


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all your non-race maps, i like this the most, try making something like it again.


I dont know why i post it twice or more.
It is cause the site asks me to add a "|" to the mapdata.
I just removed the name, type, and author from the mapdata.
IDK why it gets posted twice!

Okay map

but try to tan the gold down just a little. And I dont think that little diamond of gold to the bottom-left of the tree is possible.

there's two 'i's

in Hawaii