Red Crayon Optics

Thumbnail of the map 'Red Crayon Optics'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Evil_Bob
Tags action author:evil_bob playable puzzle unrated
Created 2010-04-13
Last Modified 2010-04-14
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Quick odd map. Multiple solutions.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Bastardized Skyline Maps [Foder 1' Thumbnail of the map 'Uhmmm. Gotta catch a plane' Thumbnail of the map 'Deep Sea Crevasse Explora'' Thumbnail of the map 'This Tray Tor Soak Hay' Thumbnail of the map 'Hat Tone' Thumbnail of the map 'Dead Illusions (Forgotten Umbrella)'
Bastardized Skyline Maps [Foder 1 Uhmmm. Gotta catch a plane Deep Sea Crevasse Explora' This Tray Tor Soak Hay Hat Tone Dead Illusions (Forgotten Umbrella)


Pages: (0)

Nice catch though..

None of the last 10 people who responded to that caught it (or .. well pointed it out)
the main purpose of the comment wasn't to correct anything. Goddamn, I need to proofread.

"If you read this go comment on my most recent map telling me that you did. I spent to (sic ;D) long organizing this shit."


God damn chrome

'I still can't complete this' was the message :P sorry.



I thought I was gonna get hit by that guass at the end haha.

Verrr nice puzzle. :]
Demo Data

Speed. ;O

Im gonna go for AGD next.
Demo Data


I don't think I have quite the presence that I used to..

Thanks for the demos and comments guys!


funnily it's only a little faster to go for all the gold in highscore mode. Quite an odd map, the chaingun was really good, and I felt the rocket should have been more open, but that's okay.
Demo Data


will AGD soon
Demo Data


Demo Data
What is the world coming to?

I really like that little thuwmp-run in the middle of the map. And the number five tile squeezes. And the general openness of the map. And the looks-splattered but is actually quite neat gold. And the...


Very good job.