The Arena

Thumbnail of the map 'The Arena'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author moridar
Tags action author:moridar fun puzzle unrated
Created 2010-04-11
Last Modified 2010-04-11
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Being my first map, making and playing maps, I've always liked making and playing circular maps, as well as dramatic textures. This map is meant to be fast paced and fun, but also puzzling.

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@ randomdigits

Im glad to see you were able to get all of the gold while still maintaining the fast-paced movement on the map.


I can see that thought went into this.

All Gold Demo

So fun!
Really the only thing with this map is this: try to leave a padding of space around gold. It looks kind of ugly when it's touching other objects or tiles. Having said that, I have to say that I love the gold around the exit switch! It makes an otherwise bland walljump into a quite interesting landing!
And the drones are brilliant!
Demo Data
with the drones =)

Nice adventure map!

I like multi-genre maps like this. The top left tiles are great!


probably a 4.


what would you rate it?

fun puzzle.

I like the tunnels especially.