I really wanna know

Thumbnail of the map 'I really wanna know'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Sunset
Tags author:sunset rated redemption
Created 2010-04-03
Last Modified 2010-04-03
by 8 people.
Map Data


Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Lighthouse' Thumbnail of the map 'Sunset's Madness Center' Thumbnail of the map 'Open Road' Thumbnail of the map 'Ace of Spades' Thumbnail of the map 'MONOPLAE' Thumbnail of the map 'Blank Screens and Steam Machines'
Lighthouse Sunset's Madness Center Open Road Ace of Spades MONOPLAE Blank Screens and Steam Machines


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I know ;D

Just I never saw it before. Weird still though.
Check in debug mode.

Haha, yeah

the first thing I thought of when I saw the pic was that it looked like maxson's signature. Then I saw the differences. The map was a bit extensive though, takes a bit of thinking/examining to figure out where to go and how to get there around the enemies. then there's this weird glitch at the bottom of the map which is how I died in the demo =P
Demo Data

Thanks a ton :)

Theres several themes, ill choose the background pictures and once i've got them all I can find you on the forums. Sounds good?
is the lack of a cool banner/sig like this one. Ya think you could help me out : /

That sig is awesome.

little big.

COOL MAP faved
that UZ used for my forum sig o_o



