Drone Choas

Thumbnail of the map 'Drone Choas'

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Author Invalid
Tags author:invalid dda playable rated
Created 2010-03-31
Last Modified 2010-03-31
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description Okay, who divided by zero?

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Road to Shambala' Thumbnail of the map 'Morphine Injection' Thumbnail of the map 'Grid 30' Thumbnail of the map 'Reach of the Kraken' Thumbnail of the map 'Skirmish' Thumbnail of the map 'With The Wave Of My Fingers'
Road to Shambala Morphine Injection Grid 30 Reach of the Kraken Skirmish With The Wave Of My Fingers


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realize a two was maybe a little harsh... imagine i rated it a 3. :P/sorry


doesnt matter the size. your one went too quickly from left to right and felt like it was cramped. i know what i mean... i just suck at explaining" thats what i meant. :P


Short. Propulsion was meh. Gold Delay is baaaaad. try to make ddas more open and free. if that makes sense


I wouldn't dare to put that many enemies in such a small space.
4 because it is very good.

Awesome, but short.

I always love ddas, no matter the length. However, 4'd, because I wanted more.


but who rated the 2


and too much blocking of drones with trap doors.
I would have done it slightly bigger with one on each side, and no doors or trapdoors.
It was quite nice but gold delay and the other reasons mean im not rating.

Oh lookie

someone rated a 2. Did they know this is a DDA?