Mystery Ship

Thumbnail of the map 'Mystery Ship'

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Author theMORDENT
Tags action author:themordent chaserdrones medium unrated
Created 2010-03-13
Last Modified 2010-03-13
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description <3!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'hi NUMA' Thumbnail of the map 'Blokky' Thumbnail of the map 'MEDIC!!!' Thumbnail of the map 'forest!'
hi NUMA Blokky MEDIC!!! forest!


Pages: (0)

Here are some tiles
I noticed i had a stalactite/stalagmite thing happening so I also put in that cool bat. Look at it, if you are fine with the tiles start with the objects and send it my way.
then send it to you with pastebin, you make changes to the tiles send it back... same thing with the objects, until we are both happy with the outcome.


2 people working on one map.


I will do a collab with you if you want. It might help you get out of these small maps. NOT that they are bad... just like epigone says some thing more ambitious.


I just find it ridiculous.
If all authors submitting their maps yet 80% of the maps will get down. XD

No offence.


you should try something more ambitious
Demo Data
It's an endless chain reaction.


i mean..

that a stupid guy rated the most of my maps with 0 >____<


good use of chasers.

mystery ship

is mysteriously floating towards this abominable shoreline to apprehend us all.