What an awful world

Thumbnail of the map 'What an awful world'

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Author im_bad_at_N
Tags author:im_bad_at_n jump-only jumponly puzzle rated
Created 2010-02-27
Last Modified 2010-02-27
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description A jump only puzzle. Don't move left or right. AGD is possible without moving. Includes a teleporter that launches you at a 100 degree angle (both up and left but at unequal strentghs. If you die by the teleporter, you did something wrong.

As far as I know, you can't sneak past the gauss to the bottom section ;D

Other maps by this author

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My Bloody Valentine Fire King Transitionally Spiritual Hobbes Incorrect Translation Four Shots at Death


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unless your up for the challenge xD. But i thought that it could fit because the gold is a huge challenge that mostly needs your brain power to solve rather than fingers. =/

also thanks jawbit =)

this is really cool

most jump-only maps are quite small and constrained. This one moves you around quite a bit.

oh sorry

xD didnt read the description xD

im honest

i cant see any puzzle...or is it the puzzle to find the puzzle?

This is really nice

good puzzle. The gold by the drone was really hard to get, since it required good timing on the fall, which is kinda hard when you can't stop it. . .


i tried to make it easy =/

Friggin hard

Me needs demo!

heres my completion

all gold if you get stuck ;D
Demo Data

oops ignore the below post, uploaded the wrong demo.

got that one switch

Demo Data

weeee teleporter

Hmmm interesting concept. Pretty tough though