I Wish I Was Special...

Thumbnail of the map 'I Wish I Was Special...'

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Author Mute_Monk
Tags author:mute_monk chaingun creep rocket special unrated wish
Created 2010-01-31
Last Modified 2010-01-31
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description What the hell am I doing here? I don't belong here...

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'The Balls Are Inert' Thumbnail of the map 'Breathing Room' Thumbnail of the map 'Breathing Room II' Thumbnail of the map 'Megalopolis' Thumbnail of the map 'Painful Ascent' Thumbnail of the map 'Olympic Flame(s)'
The Balls Are Inert Breathing Room Breathing Room II Megalopolis Painful Ascent Olympic Flame(s)


Pages: (0)

Maybe its just me

but I think the maps on here are getting easier, not me retaining my skill.
Demo Data

I love the song.

I really like the chainguns. Specially when they fire through the number 5 tiles. =D