
Thumbnail of the map 'Eighth'

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Author takua
Tags author:takua eighth lamemap playable unrated
Created 2010-01-25
Last Modified 2010-01-25
Rating 5 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description So I actually tried to make a "decent" tile set and this is what I got, a weird-looking dotted quaver.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Inverted' Thumbnail of the map 'Experiment Thwump' Thumbnail of the map 'Overused' Thumbnail of the map 'Aurum' Thumbnail of the map 'Trapped'
Inverted Experiment Thwump Overused Aurum Trapped


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I actually just wanted to "train" my tile-set making skills since I really suck at it.

Other than making a DDA, I say that I couldn't do much with a mini-tileset like this. :X

just not good

You have to go around it to many times and it is too easy to stuff it up, and also a bad concept to me.

bad few
to often die
bad one

Demo Data

too may rounds
Demo Data
it becomes annoying >.<