Drone Factory

Thumbnail of the map 'Drone Factory'

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Author aaronleander47
Tags author:aaronleander47 called drone factory unrated
Created 2010-01-06
Last Modified 2010-01-06
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description random map

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Traps Every Where' Thumbnail of the map 'Trick ou'
Traps Every Where Trick ou


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Then make the tileset, then add objects, making slight corrections as I go. Just work on it . Youll get it eventually.

@greed with iban.

All the enemies are useless. Don't object spam. And most of all, the point is to make a /fun/ map, not one that is impossibly hard. That's not fun.
Demo Data
you are still new to NUMA, so your maps arent gonna be the best maps in the world. Start out basic, then slowly get advanced. Try looking at other peoples maps, such as Iban (im_bad_at_N), or try typing 'tileset' or 'featured' into the searchbox to get good tilesets, and overall, good maps.
Second I don't get this map... A ton of objects is usually bad.

1) You found Z-snap for the gold, but use it to a minimum... mainly n-arts or very precise placing. If you want the gold touching, use C-snap. Far better and cleaner looking.

2) Add some enemies that can actually kill you. All the enemies in the map are useless except for aesthetical appeal, and its not a very aesthetically appealing map still though. Have enemies that make the map fun... Not hard necessarily, but fun to play and dodge.

3) Make maps exciting. Work a lot on the tiles... theres a lot more than just the full or empty tiles. Then go for placement of stuff.

4) Welcome to NUMA =]


Demo Data
you can't have more than two maps on hot maps.