Nanjing Bitch

Thumbnail of the map 'Nanjing Bitch'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Leaff
Tags author:leaff chiptune nanjing unrated usk
Created 2009-12-27
Last Modified 2009-12-27
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Just a little doodle.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Cascades' Thumbnail of the map 'Ocean Step' Thumbnail of the map 'Cold, Agoraphobic' Thumbnail of the map 'Hell Hath No Fury' Thumbnail of the map 'giant pixelated deformed dragon skull parading monster' Thumbnail of the map 'Greenwick Village/Villany'
Cascades Ocean Step Cold, Agoraphobic Hell Hath No Fury giant pixelated deformed dragon skull parading monster Greenwick Village/Villany


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This was random.
Demo Data
I didn't really like it either. It is hard to get drones good with re-tiles. I'm just trying to make more so I can get better at re-tiles. Although, your criticism got me thinking, and I think I have a solution. Can I re-tile one of your maps?

oh cause

on my profile im making everyone name with there profile pic and a name of their choice check it out also what should i call iban?

i love you


your 70th
Back when death took on a whole new meaning, when death wasn't something feared, it was something that was inevitable. It was a deed to the city to fight for the sanctity of the others in the kingdom.
You are that savior, a man who is quick, agile, and above all brave. You have many enemies that want nothing more then to watch you burn. Now we need you to retrieve all of the stolen treasures and get to the escape before your name is added to the ever long list of fallen hero's.
Are you in?


launch pads




I like it!


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