Hospital Blues

Thumbnail of the map 'Hospital Blues'

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Author Winter_Red_Snow
Tags author:winter_red_snow drones fun ironworldabove puzzle rated teleporters
Created 2009-12-23
Last Modified 2009-12-26
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description better played if listening to fast-paced music. You'll enjoy it more.

First Puzzle Map evar? and first Teleporter evar?? 2-for-1-double-combo!

Edit: it was too hard to accomplish so I toned down the difficulty.

Other maps by this author

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Tower Enigma Tilted Magnesium Lunar City Steel Mill Dragon Race Mean Street Small things are the biggest achievments


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The left switch :P

also, if you have Nreality, could you look at my new nreality [] map? It took a while to make, and Im proud of it :D

i have it.. :D

only one switch is needed.. :D
sorry.. i haven't saw that it is a puzzle.. :D
but it has to be in a certain order.


but im right, arent I?

i'll post a demo

how to get past it.


Its a puzzle, your only meant to get one of the switches :P


I meant my firsts XD

Not bad

But a bit laggy, the teleporters were great.
And it isnt the first. []
Whats that? a sniper? I was gonna rate this a 4/5, but I'll rate a 5 to anti-snipe, just in case :)


tell me what's wrong with it? or is it a sniper?


after 1 full week I finally got this up! the hours of testing it oh my god!