
Thumbnail of the map 'Um.'

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Author orangekraken
Tags action author:orangekraken rated um
Created 2009-12-20
Last Modified 2009-12-23
by 11 people.
Map Data

Description Flag. Furry. Viil.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Frühe Weinachten' Thumbnail of the map 'Leave No Leaff Unturned' Thumbnail of the map '83' Thumbnail of the map 'Ecstatic.' Thumbnail of the map 'CIRCULARLY SQUARE' Thumbnail of the map 'Camel Toe'
Frühe Weinachten Leave No Leaff Unturned 83 Ecstatic. CIRCULARLY SQUARE Camel Toe


Pages: (0)

The floorgaurd restricted you to the column. Gold is opinion, I suppose. I didn't do the gold.



kinda short but the climb to the exit was fun. the floorguard didn't do much, and the gold didn't feel very gratifying. maybe a more consistent gold pattern would help?

cool map

great tiles, challenging laser.

I left gloomp as my whatdyacallit. In my stead.

a great author combo X] cool map!
Demo Data

Take my name out of the description, I didn't do jack.
The laser is annoying, but in a good way.

IN the discription

you said "dw40" well what do you mean by that, like it has nothing to do with motors and by the way, it is spelled wd40 not dw40 unles you in some other country with other spelling thatn australia

How about you stick around for the title-naming huh? HUH!?


Incidentally, the title sucks. Next time ask gloomp.


Glad y'all kept the tiles going my way.

</3 ;-;

Very nice. I like the floorchaser on the doors.


very loveable... first demo posted :P
Demo Data


I like that syle.
but don't stop, keep going.4/5

I'd love a rating on my new map, too.




c-c-c-combo breaker?



