Thumbnail of the map 'TRIPLE DOG DARE'

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Author SIKSTIX117
Tags author:sikstix117 epic eye-bopping-hardness unrated
Created 2009-12-09
Last Modified 2009-12-09
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Hard......

Other maps by this author

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Chocolate Bars Keeping it Simple 1 Step it Up a Notch Step it Up a Notch V 1.1 The Donut V 1.1 Donkey Kong


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All these enemies were way overkill. Remeber, 1 enemy can do the work of 3. Also, hiding stuff like mines under bounceblocks is really not a good idea. Also, the locks are unessesary since the map is technically cheatable if you just go up the wall under the exit. Keeping mapping and you'll improve. 2.5 down