um, should i finish this?

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Author redhotbananapeppers
Tags author:redhotbananapeppers not-finished race unrated
Created 2009-12-08
Last Modified 2009-12-08
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description . jw, because if this flatout sucks, then i probably dont wanna make it.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map '2-2 Puzzle Pack' Thumbnail of the map '2-3 Three---Way' Thumbnail of the map '2-4 Making Sense of Nonsense' Thumbnail of the map '3-1 Cheat Code' Thumbnail of the map '3-2 Storm from HELL' Thumbnail of the map '3-3 Jump'
2-2 Puzzle Pack 2-3 Three---Way 2-4 Making Sense of Nonsense 3-1 Cheat Code 3-2 Storm from HELL 3-3 Jump


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it's alright

beginning's is good, although I'm not sure how you would be able to get past the thwumps when you near the end of the map. but I like what you've done it terms of experimenting, with the different loops, trap-door, one way, boxed-tiles that you've got going on. just fool around in Ned some more and find what makes the map flow the best. most race maps are "organic", just to let you know, so don't be afraid to make groovy tile shapes


at beginning should be rockets. they are too easy to avoid

I've played worse. That's not saying much though.

too much

back and forth

Dont like

the bit with the trap doors because it completely stops the flow completely. + Smooth out the half loops.

I quite liked it.

You should finished it, IMO.
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