
Thumbnail of the map 'Echelon'

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Author spragueles
Tags author:spragueles first hard map rated
Created 2009-12-06
Last Modified 2009-12-06
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description My First Map!!!!!!!


Pages: (0)


hidden traps make it un-fun


How the hell is this rated 4/5?

This isn't fun

Read what ChrisE said in parts 1 and 2.
1. Try not to place more enemies than needed. A lot of mines on this map are spammed.

2. Hidden enemies are usually a no-no. People get annoyed. The same goes for hidden traps.

3. Try to make the tiles look good, a lot of people start off with "room" maps, so try to let the ninja roam about more freely.

All in all, it's actually a nice map. I'm sure you will improve.


since it's your first map, 4/5

Woah woah woah

calm down with the mine placement there buddy! First of all, WELCOME TO NUMA! And second of all, your map should be something unique, not that this ISN'T unique, but don't make everything so squished in, make some room for everything else. View someother people's maps. I'll give some examples.

blackson []
AMomentLikeThis []
flagmyidol []

and many many more.