Pink Floyd's Deep, Deep Purple

Thumbnail of the map 'Pink Floyd's Deep, Deep Purple'

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Author SeventhSpirit
Tags action agd author:seventhspirit hard playable rated
Created 2009-11-24
Last Modified 2009-11-24
by 9 people.
Map Data

Description A regular Nmap. Not Nreality. Can't really get any Nreality ideas atm. Every one of them either doesn't work, or is near impossible.

enjoy, and have a good break, may peace, luck, and happiness be with you, wherever you are, or going. I'll stay here for... however long the break will be. For those out of the country, have a good week.

Edit: 30TH MAP WOOOT!!#!#!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Sevenland' Thumbnail of the map 'Tom Sawyer' Thumbnail of the map 'Pepsi' Thumbnail of the map 'Incarnation' Thumbnail of the map 'Dogs' Thumbnail of the map 'Regenerate'
Sevenland Tom Sawyer Pepsi Incarnation Dogs Regenerate


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I'm pretty sure

the reason this was voted low was because of the messy aesthetics and general design, this style is going to put much more people off than it's going to appease.

I don't think I could rate it higher than a 2 myself.

its not

a bad map its just that you got sniped dude happened to me as well
snipers suck big feet. its too bad.. you cant stop them and their evil ways.

And no, honestly, im not much of a puppy person. atleast not in N. I like chainguns :)

as for the level. You had an excelent theme with the puppies and mines and gold and switches. It was very good, really. I think the hidden lazers should didn't go too well..

4/5 since its your 30th

no really

why do you rate it 1/5...


can someone atleast tell me why they rated this 1/5, or 2/5, or whatever?