Civilian Rescue 1

Thumbnail of the map 'Civilian Rescue 1'

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Author Dex22
Tags author:dex22 playable puzzle rated
Created 2005-11-14
by 8 people.
Map Data

Description Yeah i know what you're thinking..."wasn't this map here like....5 days ago?" was...but it was getting bad ratings because people didn't understand it, and someone suggested re-submitting it.


Read the instructions carefully before playing!!! And, this isn't about getting to the door as fast as you can!!!

There is about to be an attack on your village! You must lead the paranoid and hostile civilians (zap drones) into the shelters at the bottom of the level. Once you get some in then exit the shelter through the door on the left. There are also two shelters on the right and left that may be easier to use sometimes. Try to see how many civilians you can get into the shelters. When you are done enter the control room at the bottom right of the level and click all the switches to lock the doors. After that the level is pretty much over, but if you want to make a mad dash for the door then go right ahead buddy.

I think this is the best map I have made so far and its really fun and addicting. Please play it and rate it. Its very different than any other map so try it out!

By the way if you do not understand how to play leave a comment, or maybe some random person will be generous enough to give a demo.


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This is pretty much how u play...see how i got the drones into the little places in the bottom! Thats waht u do!
Demo Data


my computer with N downloaded on it is broken...but could you pm me a screenshot of it in the N-forums?? my forum name is Dex22 if u needed to know
...except for dying of course.
Demo Data