01:3 A tribute to stupidity

Thumbnail of the map '01:3 A tribute to stupidity'

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Author fireburnsfree
Tags action author:fireburnsfree fun playable rated
Created 2009-09-27
Last Modified 2009-09-27
by 10 people.
Map Data

Description Yea...just RCE

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'le scorpion savoureux' Thumbnail of the map 'Internal blaster' Thumbnail of the map '"Stop climbing my bloody tears!"' Thumbnail of the map 'up and away' Thumbnail of the map 'A close up shot.' Thumbnail of the map 'Oil field'
le scorpion savoureux Internal blaster "Stop climbing my bloody tears!" up and away A close up shot. Oil field


Pages: (0)

291 so im pretty sure speedrun is possible

I'm not sure...

...about the complete-a-bility(sp?haha) of this map.

It's my opinion.

Don't like it?


At least people are paying enough attention to your map to zero it, so be happy.

As for the map, the tiles were bland and didn't play well. Bounceblocks were placed in areas that kill you if you don't land light enough, which is never good, except in the case of simple challenges. Guasses, well I hate guasses anyways, but they were placed in the worst way you can do it. At the end of a passge that you need to get though. Fucking cruelty. A bit less then half the mines culd have been taken out with the same effect. Gold was placed iin uninteresting locations, and didn't look pretty either. Jumping around on those tiles was not fun or interesting. Last but least, door switch over door. Hardly worth mentioning, but...