Capital City

Thumbnail of the map 'Capital City'

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Author SundayMorningCall
Tags action author:sundaymorningcall rated
Created 2009-09-24
Last Modified 2009-09-24
by 18 people.
Map Data

Description Don't ban me.


A nice map, in my opinion. Nice thwump and rocket dodging action up top, whilst the lasers should force you to time your descents right.



Demo Data


Evil_Sire, I really hope you don't make any more accounts like you said. You're a good mapper, who lost his cool and ended up completely screwing-over the community. When all that's put behind, you're still a good mapper, and I'm glad that you've decided to settle down. Good on you! :D

one this to say

great map 4/5

yeah, i am

does that work? []

here's your start.

sorry its not very good. []
Its full of people like you but worse. You'd realise your not at all special or clever in your pass-time and end getting trolled instead of being the one trolling causing a fatal blow to your ego, fitting.
please do it there instead of here if you ever get the urge to yell at people on the internet.


I doubt you'll get many viruses from 4chan if you have halfway decent virus protection. Anyway, there's a shitload of other rooms you can probably check out and enjoy at least. Just an idea.
I can't believe you haven't heard of it, nor can I believe I'm linking you to it. []
And I think you'll particularly like the room under Mature (18+) labelled Random.
...instead of flame and troll everyone and everything you come across, maybe you can stay. MAYBE.

If you're so bored, go browse 4chan and call people wankers and twats on that website instead of ours.


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ok, I'm done now

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A litttle faster

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Just a little

somethin []
like the bits of it, very interesting to play.

and i dont care about you multiaccounting. the flaming from both sides got a little out of hand on some maps, but wheres the fun if it didnt =D. personally, ill play your maps and will believe you if you say you turned a new leaf.


Im curious have spun many little old are you in all honesty?

here is a small

bit.......bbl [] now :/

thank you sir

I appreiciate it....honestly
its a little weird and might be a shock but would you consider a minor collab?
You say my "style" is a bit generic. Do you think you could help that?

Like I said.

I don't care. People can believe what they like.


Your like the boy who cried wolf nobody is going to believe you (including me) but if you put out decent maps and don't bother me I don't see why I should care.
Demo Data
Your comments are justified.


I apologise for even bothering you......and the map is good. 4

I have no intention

of creating another account.

Are you finally

going to just keep one account or do you think that in the future your going to continue to create new and unneccessary account?

I have requested

That my other account be disabled. So yes.
agd death so close
Demo Data

First powerhouse

is not me and an_icy_infero has been disabled and the maps erased. I learned my lesson....have you?

that's much better

looks better as well imo.

Oh indeed

Nobody else wanted to say that, fbf. In your wisdom, you've neglected to read everybody's comments. Everybody has said that. I do not care.

well yes

that is a good point.

Don't throw stones

At glass houses. Should I dampen your memory? Powerhouse, fbf, and the icy thing.

Way to be a hypocrite.

but I do

have a point.....that you cant deny correct?
Also no one else seems to want to say that and I felt it needed to be said. without anger and without spite. Just calmly said.


i think it's best if you leave the leadership speeches to the admins/mods.
on this site your only means of entertainment?
I mean what exactly is the point of having countless numbers of accounts?
Does this somehow make you feel empowered(sp?) or do you do it just to irk people. Either way its rude, wrong and pointless. So just give up and find a new hobby. Or ask Southpaw if you can have a single account and use that not just waste it. See what it feels like to have one important account not many pointless ones.


Now wait for Southpaw to come along, say: "GTFO" and ban this account. I even provided him with a list of accounts on Slideaway. Suppose I'll get banned for trolling or whatever. No big loss. I'm ill and bored; I need something to humour me.



in your description, you say the lasers should force you to time your descent right. that is what makes the map annoying, and the rocket and thwumps just make it worse.
i would put a tunnel through the base, so you can get out via the bottom of the shafts. just a suggestion.

pointless completion. 3
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